BASB Sept 2nd - Session #01, The Alchemists
We're alchemist, blending information and technology together.
Times have shifted…
The Space Era
The control of physical space. Industrial large scale industry.
If I gain you lose. Zero-sum.
We ran out of land.
The Time Era
Rise of the middle class - disposable money.
Time is money - disposable time into income.
Media, finance, advertising, television.
Time ran out.
The Attention Era
Rise of the creative class.
Internet, social media, tech - need to capture attention again and again.
Eyeballs are worth more than money.
Peak attention. No more attention left.
The Perspective Era
A point of view.
Information overload/ flood. You seek a high point, safety. Control of the flood.
The collapse of traditional career paths.
Start-up of one.
Individuals need perspective because of big roles.
The job most resistant to automation is to not only convey information but to convey an interpretation of information. Enrolling someone into your POV. Here's a particular way of presenting an idea.
Current state… Randomness and chaos:
Ideal State… Central repository to incubate and grow:
How to do it?
Customise these 4 steps. The minimal amount of effort. Less friction.
Everyone else focuses on imagination and motivation. Imagination is already there and going crazy. Lots of motivation for things I care about.
Infrastructure and scaffolding for creative output that is high quality and frequency.
Create packets of knowledge for feedback.
Where does the come from?
Personal Knowledge Management
Personal organisation
Knowledge capture
Project Management
What is your knowledge for?
Using the information to move better and more collaborative
Cohort 11 Syllabus: The Architects
10-year visualisation
A big part of this course is being able to notice what you want in your life. You don’t have to know now, but we are honing your skills of being able to connect your desires, with what you do and what you achieve.
When you put the right habits and systems in place then you know that you’re moving in the right direction even if you don’t know the ultimate destination yet.
1-year vision
Creating content to bring value
Have frameworks and models for people to be their own creators.